Hotel Rural Serrella. Castell de Castells
Information and Booking: +34.965518138

Discover the paths of Al-Azraq with eXtremTracks

Mohammad Abu Abdallah Ben Hudzäil al Sähuir (1208, Vall de Alcalá, in Alicante, 1276, Alcoy), nicknamed Al Azraq (the blue eyes) was a Muslim leader who lived in the middle of the thirteenth century south of whas was then the Kingdom of Valencia.

Today all roads that were used at that time are full of uninhabited Moorish castles in ruins and hundreds of formations and structures of the time, this is accompanied by amazing trails that will make you enjoy unforgettable days of MTB. All our routes have their soft version, where you can enjoy almost everything, but shortening the journey

TnT de Castells



59 Km and 2.400D + is possible the hardest of the routes, we reach 1,120 m altitude. The views of this route are breathtaking and on more than one occasion You can even see the sea on clear days You get to see Mallorca and Ibiza. Nice route with beautiful and technical trails that will test our ability and our strength.


TnT del Neolitic



The name of the route is given by the cave paintings of Pla de Petracos, 7,800 years old they are the oldest of the Mediterranean Neolithic. This route of 44.5 km and 1,573 D +, is a tough tour due to the slopes and the type of terrain. With outstanding sustained climbs and dizzying descents with slopes of 22% both uphill and downhill, technical and physical level is high.

neo1 neo2

TnT de les Bariones



Route of 50km and 1,722 D +, runs across the entire Baronies of Alcalá and Planes,  where the Vizier Al-Azraq lived in glory back in the thirteenth century. We visit all the trails and unpopulated Moors area, where Mallorcan Moriscos lived at the time. Classic refrigerators of the era and other remains and the typical food at our checkpoints will make our ride a delight for the view and taste.



Guided tours for groups of 3-5 people 15 € / Pax

Guided tours for  more than 5 people 10 € / Pax

Guided tours for 1 or 2 people Check availability


We have Mtb rental and transport to the hotel. Mtb routes, Road and Trailrunning